Friday, November 25, 2011

Linux Mint beat Ubuntu

Over the years the Linux distribution Ubuntu the most widely used by the user (end user), compared with other popular Linux distributions like openSUSE, Debian, Fedora and others.

However Distrowatch, a site that provides the latest news, comparisons and displays the popularity of various Linux distributions (and also non-Linux operating system, etc.) now put Linux Mint as the most popular distributions, compared to Ubuntu.

For those of you unfamiliar, Linux Mint is an Ubuntu Linux distribution based destkop. The difference is that Linux Mint does not use Unity as destkop bawaanya environment but still use GNOME 2.32-based interface.

But in his latest release 12 Mint switched to GNOME 3.2 in beta version called 'Mint Gnome Shell Extensions (MGSE)', which puts style MGSE destkop GNOME GNOME 2.x to 3.x. layer

Here is the data popularity of Linux Mint in the last 12 months:

Seen from the graph above, Ubuntu still survive as the most popular distros in the past 12 months, but after that the popularity of Linux Mint continued to increase into the first rank.

This likely occurs because some people who prefer or are accustomed to using GNOME-based long destkop than Unity. Some users in the / r / Ubuntu and / r / Linux / also commented, that the decline in popularity of Ubuntu has been able to previously predicted due to transition into Unity.

Although no definite reason, the use of Linux Mint destkop still considered to be the cause of GNOME-based rise in popularity compared to Ubuntu.


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